Is Antiquing Fabric even a word or phrase or verb? I’m not sure.
I had some fabric on hand that I loved in the store. I got it on sale at Hobby Lobby last year. But once I got home….it literally hurt my eyes to look at it. I put it away for a year and got it back out this year.
It now looks a lot like my most favorite ribbon ever (which I have only found in limited spools at TjMaxx).
I wanted to make bows with the material and I wanted the shredded/old look. This Antiquing Fabric method worked for me. I’ve read with certain materials you may want to add salt or vinegar or even try rinsing in water and fabric softer. I just went for it and my method is below. I am so happy with the way it turned out!
Antiquing Fabric Instructions
- Let 7 tea bags [HERE] comes to a boil (I used cheap ones from Walmart)
- Turn off stove and put material into pot.
- Let soak for 2 hours.
- I pulled out the material from the pot and laid on a cookie sheet wet over night
- The next morning I hand washed it until no more tea color came out.
- I then put it in the dryer to dry
- Once it came out of the dryer it was tangled. I untangled it then lightly pressed it.
Notes: I am not going to use on material or in an area where it can bleed. I will try to remember to bag it up in a ziplock bag when I bag up Christmas decor. Just in case. But please be mindful this may bleed onto other fabric and test before using.

I hope you enjoyed this quick Diy of Antiquing Fabric like I did.
You can check out my entire home tour [HERE].