DIY Painting a Vase ByKirsten Burton May 12, 2020November 10, 2021 What better way to update an older piece than by making it more modern? Over the last few weeks I’ve… ShareShareTweetPin2222 Shares
DIY Painting Grout Lines ByKirsten Burton April 30, 2020November 10, 2021 After looking at white grout all the time that I was constantly having to clean, I decided it was time… ShareShareTweetPin190190 Shares
Children | DIY | Free Printable DIY Glitter Christmas Ornament ByKirsten Burton December 6, 2019November 10, 2021 DIY Glitter Christmas Ornaments It’s memory ornament time. Each year around this time we get together as a family and… ShareShareTweetPin7979 Shares
DIY | House Create a Scandinavian Christmas Wreath ByKirsten Burton December 4, 2019November 10, 2021 Last year I really focused on the gift of time verses items. One thing that has made my heart happy… ShareShareTweetPin100100 Shares
DIY Make Free DIY Christmas Ornaments From Items at Home ByKirsten Burton November 23, 2019November 10, 2021 DIY Christmas Ornaments NO NEW CHRISTMAS DECOR CHALLENGE A few months ago I told my Husband I would say no… ShareShareTweetPin3030 Shares