Motivational Monday on a Tuesday is a Thing, right?

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Yesterday, during my daughter’s Volleyball Practice, I realized a few things. To be better we have to continue to move forward. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to be better at, it applies to all things. She had just had a basketball game 24 hours earlier and here she was at her next sport getting better.
I wrote the following while I watched her practice. I tried to keep the SPOILERS away.
Bradley Cooper Knows How To Keep Growing
We watched A Star is Born last night.
You can watch it [HERE]
And I loved it.
I cried.
I was happy and sad.
The relationship between Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga + him and Sam Elliott.
Made me cry.
That brotherly love. Man it gave me all the feels.
Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were drugs for each other. They literally were addicted to each other (in a good and bad way)…..
I then began to research all the dedication Bradley Cooper put into that role [HERE].
It blows my mind.
Took 42 days to film, but he started preparing years before.
Not one year. But I think it was 2014 when he started preparing for that role.
Practiced the guitar every night for a year to learn how to play.
He had to learn how to sing.
Changed his voice (he had it in his mind he wanted to sound like Sam Elliott) even before Sam agreed to take the role.
He actually sang live in between sets at major concerts. In one take. That’s unheard of. And especially for someone that isn’t a musician.
This movie ….people didn’t want him to direct. He was PERSISTENT that he was the man for the job.
It made me realize.
So many times we see a finished beautiful product (movie, business, house, person) and we think wow they must be lucky or they’ve had it easy.
But we really don’t see all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into that.
We don’t see the countless hours the actor spends prepping for a role.
We don’t see that business owner spending countless hours getting the business up and running. So much goes into the back end of a business people don’t even realize what it takes to make a business run.
That person that has the perfect house. We don’t see all the hard work it takes to make it that way.
That girl with the perfect body. She probably spends extra hours each week prepping her meals. Plus gym time. && Being very observant of her choices.
All we see are the end results.
Let’s all start to appreciate the prep work we are all doing to better ourselves.
To all my friends out there that are doing something to better themselves (in any way) then you keep on keeping on.
I promise I’m noticing.
And to the people out there judging people …. because they are lucky or they have it easy…. think twice about it.
More than likely they aren’t that lucky.
I bet they are just kicking butt behind the scenes to make themselves better.
I know I am.
Motivational Monday Summed Up
Next time you see someone trying to improve themselves make sure to tell them you notice. And that it’s not all just lost on them. Sometimes that is all it takes for them to keep on going.
We all need to keep growing. When we stop something happens. We stop being as happy with ourselves. I’ve noticed it, have you? I would love to hear your feedback.
And that’s my Motivational Monday on a Tuesday. I hope I have inspired you to try something new OR to continue to get better at you being you. Have a great Tuesday!
If you liked my writing maybe you will like to read some of my other so called uplifting posts.
I worked through the Oscars, but this quote from Lady Gaga was amazing to wake up to. This was part of her acceptance speech.
“It’s not about winning but what it’s about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. If there’s a discipline for passion, and it’s not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you’re beaten up. It’s about how many times you stand up and are brave, and you keep on going.”
That is a true way to be Motivated on a Monday! Happy Tuesday!