How I see my doctor at home.

When I started this blog I wanted to help other people. I wasn’t really sure what my main goal or focus was. I knew I wanted to document building our house (that really didn’t happen). Then I wanted to be able to share any knowledge I had with other people. And MAYBE just maybe I would have someone read my blog that I could help. And maybe someone could read it and then help me even more.  

The best advice you can get is from someone that has been through it.  It’s so hard to take advice and sometimes it’s not warranted. But those times you are seeking advice you want to hear good advice. You really don’t want to waste your time on things that don’t work or may not work. Or something that will make you worse off than when you began, right?

I know I don’t want that.

My Promise to you, my reader, is that with time I hope to show you simple ways to make your life a little happier.

There may be affiliate links in this post. Please read my policy on affiliate links [here] if you want.

Now To My Story

If you’re a mom OR dad or anyone for that fact, today I hope to make your life a little more simple.

Today I woke up with Pink Eye.  I literally couldn’t open my eye.  The next 45 days are the busiest days of my year and I can’t afford to be going to the doctor.  I knew my schedule was booked solid today. I just didn’t have time.

My husband was getting me a warm wash rag so I could lay it on my eye because I couldn’t open it.  When he came back I told him that I didn’t have time. He said “Why don’t you use this app? Then you won’t have to go in”  I looked at him confused. He showed me a work email and it said we could now use the doctor service through an app.

I grabbed his phone quickly. Because of course I had researched this option before and our insurance wouldn’t pay for it.  

But sure enough right there in front of me was an email saying we could use it.  

I downloaded that app in less than a minute.  Filled out my prior history and then scheduled a call with a doctor.  I uploaded pictures of my eyes then read I would get a call usually within an hour. That was okay, I would make good use of my time and get up and get ready for work. (and yes I know Pink Eye is contagious and I don’t touch my eyes and I wash my hands). I read wrong apparently, it’s pretty instant.


I am not a doctor and do not provide medical advice.  I do think I will continue to go to a doctor for certain things. But for minor things that have to have no medical testing I would highly recommend it.  

What Happened On The Call

Before I could get out of the bed my phone rang and it was Dr. X.  Dr. X made me confirm it was me. Then asked what was going on. Confirmed he got my pictures and told me it looked like Pink Eye. He told me he was going to send in a prescription and told me the instructions for the eye drops.

I was done in 10 minutes or less.  If I would have had to call my primary doctor (which I love to death) I would have had to wait until 8am. Then I would have had to wait for a call back from the nurse and then wait for a prescription to be called in.

All from the comfy of my own home and Pjs. That’s not to mention that my home is probably full of germs from my nasty kids. HAHA. BUT I wasn’t exposed to anymore germs!

I’ve read that the average doctor is given 15 minute slots to see a patient.

Mr. Tribe of Burton saved me time and lots of it.  AND I didn’t have to be exposed to any germs or illnesses. I’ve talked about this before time is really the greatest thing we have. Today I gained a few hours so I wanted to share.

The Details on The App

We have to use Healthiest You by Teladoc.  Think of Uber for medical care. That’s exactly what their video said.  It’s bringing healthcare TO you.

Healthiest You and Teladoc doctors can diagnose many health issues like cold and flu symptoms, allergies, rash, skin problems and so much more!

Better yet – its 365 days a year and 24/7.  That means those pesky days when your kids get sick on the weekend and their doctor isn’t in you may have another option.

What do they treat?

After I got off the phone I was curious as to what all they treated.  This list of ailments came straight from their site [HERE].

Family Doctor


  • Cold & flu symptoms
  • Bronchitis
  • Allergies
  • Pink eye
  • And more!


  • Skin infection
  • Acne
  • Skin rash
  • Abrasions
  • Moles/warts
  • And more!


  • Stress/anxiety
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Domestic abuse
  • Grief counseling
  • And more!

Prevention is the Best Medicine

I truly believe in a preventive care. Good hygiene. Washing your hands all the time. Eating well also helps. I’m not sure if an apple a day keeps the doctor away or not. I do know that we are exposed to elements that aren’t good for our body every single day.

Our family tries to offset some of that by taking good vitamins [HERE] and a good probiotic [HERE] for the adults and the the same for the kids [HERE]. 

I’m not going to go into a lot of details on gut health (that’s next week). But do know that Harvard Health [HERE] states: research has been promising for these friendly critters. Potential benefits of probiotics have been seen in the treatment or prevention of

  • diarrhea
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • H. pylori (the cause of ulcers)
  • vaginal infections
  • urinary tract infections
  • recurrence of bladder cancer
  • infection of the digestive tract caused by Clostridium difficile
  • pouchitis (a possible side effect of surgery that removes the colon)
  • eczema in children

Just to name a few. 


My friendly tip today is to reach out to your health insurance or Human Resources and see if they have a program available like HealthiestYou and Teledoc. Then if it’s affordable to your plan give them a try and let me know what you think! 

If you would like to read more on health and wellness you can click [HERE].

I just ordered this book about liver detox [HERE] has anyone read it? Would love some feedback on it!

Until next time, have a great day! An update on my eye. It is doing so much better now!

Try using this FREE Water tracker [here] to help increase your water intake. And if you want to help save time with your digital life [HERE].

How I get to see my doctor in my pajamas!
How to save time by using teladoc app.
See your doctor in your pajamas.

Laundry in 10 minutes a day is also a big time saver [HERE]

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