During this house building process (as I’ve mentioned before) I’ve used Pinterest a lot! So much that I thought I would share this little tip with you. And if you already know it then …please move on with your bad self and remember to let me know next time so I won’t be so far behind. ? How to pin from iphone!!
1. Go to the website you want to pin. Tap the share button.

2. Swipe left until you see the “more” icon. Tap it. *if you see the Pinterest Icon skip steps 2-4.

3. Go to the Pinterest tab and tap to turn on (green).
4. Click done.

5. Tap Pinterest.

6. Choose picture.

7. Pick a Board.
You should now have a pin on your chosen board. A bonus for me is having the correct link to the website! You have just now made a pin from your iphone and actually pinned it on pinterest.

This blog post maybe applied back when the internet came out. Was that 1901? I’m not really sure. Next thing you know we will be able to just think about it and BAM – new PIN created. Man my content was really THRILLING back in the day. LOL (That means Laugh OUT Loud) Literally – I’m laughing. Does anyone ever read the updates?
I think we are currently on IOS 13 something. And it’s easier than ever to PIN from any webpage or blog. Now there are widgets that allow you to tap on a picture on a blog and save to your pinterest account. When you save it that way and go back to the PIN later on – guess what? It’s linked back to the original blog post – so you are always able to find the original post you were looking for.
How many pins do you pin a day? Or week? Remember when Pinterest was invitation only? I do!

If you would like to see some of my other blog post that do NOT relate to pinning try [HERE] or [HERE]. Also Check out some Thanksgiving Deals [HERE]