Simplify The Holidays

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A Perfect Christmas
As a mom,
We want…
Christmas to be special for our kids.
Their faces to light up on Christmas morning.
To show them the true meaning of Christmas.
We want Christmas to be perfect.
Most the time
in the end
That’s what happens.
It becomes PERFECT
But somewhere in the middle
it becomes chaotic.
All on top of everyday
It can be Chaotic.
And when that happens
tempers rise
feelings get hurt
and things are said.
Have you ever had that moment
as a mom or dad
that you just need 5 mins to recharge and reset?
Sometimes that comes often
Sometimes it doesn’t.
But most the times it happens during the Holiday Season.
Why is that?
Because of the Chaos.
All those things mentioned above.
And honestly if it doesn’t happen to you
everyone once in a while
then I applaud you.
But it happens here.
I need Recharging every once in awhile
And I’m here RIGHT NOW in this moment to tell my PRESENT self to slow down.
Don’t smell the roses (they make me sneeze)
But go smell those dirty kids
Because let’s face it
When was the last time they had a really good bath?
I’m kidding. Or am I?
I have got to stop aiming for Christmas Perfection
and aim for Christmas Simple.

TIp 1: Lower Your Christmas Expectations
Something imperfect has flaws, errors, or problems. Imperfect is the opposite of perfect. Imperfect comes from the Latin word imperfectus, meaning “incomplete.”
If we aim for imperfect then we won’t be mad when something doesn’t go as planned. If we have flaws or problems (which we know we are going to have) then it won’t stress us out as much. Do you ever catch yourself worrying about everything little thing during the Holidays? It’s common. Next time something doesn’t go as planned then maybe think of it as a memory you will laugh about in the years to come. Try it next time.
Tip 2: Say NO During The Holidays
Do you say YES because you don’t want to let someone down? Ask yourself these questions next time someone ask you to do something. Think about your answers.
1) Will it bring you JOY?
2) Will it put stress on you?
3) Would friend/family do the same for you?
4) Do you WANT to do it?
5) Will this person still be your friend if you say NO?
If you answer No…. then move on and tell them NO thanks! I promise they won’t be as mad as you think they will be.
Practice saying No. It gets easier. I promise. If you want to read a good book [HERE] go for it! It may help you say no easier.
Tip 3: Buy PRE-made Food
Yes, you read that correctly. Do you think anyone will care if you brought a store bought cake to a Holiday Party? Nope. They may kid you about it, but they won’t care. Deep down they just want to spend time with YOU. If you had the choice of having Christmas Dinner with a lost loved one or with Fried Chicken from Popeye’s. You probably wouldn’t remember in a few years what food was served. BUT you will remember spending your time with your loved one.
Unrelated Side note: Popeye’s or Chick-fil-a? HAHA
Tip 4: Do Laundry
You probably are really confused about this one – but it’s true. Laundry stresses us out year round – why wouldn’t it stress us out during the month of December? In our house we simplify the holidays by doing Laundry daily. How does it make you feel to know all the Laundry is clean and put away? No more missing that one shirt for that one party because it’s dirty. Trust me -Go Do Your Laundry.
Go read how we get laundry done in 10 minutes a day [HERE].
Tip 5: Don’t Buy Gifts – Give Your Time.
Yes I know you are sitting there rolling your eyes. I’m supposed to show you how to get back time. Let me give you an example. You want to go get your grandma that perfect necklace at the mall. You have to go to the mall, then fight the parking lot, here comes the crowd next, and then here comes the lines. Checking out at a store at Christmas time stinks. The entire time when you were spending time WITH STRANGERS – you could have been spending time with YOUR people. And that probably would mean more to them than gifts they won’t remember in a couple years.
Every year we give the gift of time [HERE] to our kids. Let me know what you think.
Tip 6: Buy Gifts Online
I know this goes against the one rule right before this one. BUT… if you do have to buy a present for that someone special then I highly recommend shopping on Amazon [HERE].
I like to buy gifts that my children or husband will NEED and ENJOY. It can’t be just a need gift. It has to be both. They have to Need it and Want it. Currently my kiddos have wanted one of these [HERE] – It’s multi-functional. We can use it to warm up outside together or to cook food. Another FUN & FUNCTIONAL item [HERE]. What do you think? We have one and we LOVE movie nights all together with the family. Because we do watch movies together all the time it’s the perfect gift for our family.
I’m going to try to be imperfect. I have flaws and so will my Holiday Plans. If I go in thinking things may go wrong hopefully it won’t make me stress out when something doesn’t go as planned.
Have a great day!
If you would like to read about our Advent Activity Calendar [HERE] – see how we spend so much good quality time together for mostly FREE over the Holidays. Look at this pretty garland [HERE]