Full disclosure.
I’m not a food blogger.
These are not healthy.
But they are wonderful.
If you’re a friend
and have been to my Mawmaw’s house
and tried Mawmaw’s biscuits
Then you know what a little bit of Heaven on earth taste like.
I don’t think I’ve met one person that tried them that said they aren’t the best biscuits of their life.
Childhood friends.
College friends.
Adults friends.
And all of the family.
Well tonight the kids wanted Mawmaw’s biscuits.
Well Mawmaw is 82 and still works full-time running one of our accounting offices (can I be like her when I grow up?)So I searched and searched for some measurement suggestions (since she doesn’t measure anything. Except cornbread she informed me).
I found a few and went to town.
First if you know her
You know her self rising flour (Martha White) stays in her 30 year old Tupperware container.

This recipe fed 2 adults and 3 kiddos with some left over.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
I started with 2 cups of self rising flour.
Then I added about 1/2 cup of Crisco.

Took this fancy tool (see pic). I don’t know the name and mixed the Crisco and flour until it was all little crumbles.

Then I added 3/4 cup of buttermilk.
And got my hands dirty.
It was sticky and messy. And maybe I will one day perfect this! Maybe not.

I then put Crisco on the bottom of the tin pans and around the edges.
Once I was ready I started rolling little balls of biscuit dough.
Put them in the pan (I should have spread over 3 pans). And then smashed them down.
They looked weird so I splashed a little butter milk on top.

Popped them in the oven for 20 mins.
My oven may be different from yours. So watch them.
Once they look like this (see pic below) take them out!!!

Homemade biscuits.
My Mawmaw’s biscuits are a 10. These were probably a 7.
As my middle son said “Mama… these are good but they aren’t Mawmaw’s biscuits”
Thanks son! Lol
So once tax season gets over.
I’m heading over to Mawmaw’s.
To get her to finally measure out her biscuits.
I’m going to video.
Take pictures.
And get my hands dirty.
Let me know what you all think!
Preheat oven to 400 Degrees
2 cups of self rising flour
1/2 cup of Crisco
3/4 cup of buttermilk
Mix flour + crisco together. Then add buttermilk.
Knead dough and then pinch off parts and roll out to make biscuits.
Put in oven for 20 minutes. May need to keep in oven for 5 more minutes.