One year ago today. Dani got on my Snapchat
Without me knowing and did a video.
“Mamas having a baby girl. There will be 4 of us.”
She was spinning in circles.
Happy as could be.
I woke up early to a text from my brother (Patrick)
What’s that about on Snapchat?
So I go get my phone and see.
Before I can watch it all I delete.
One of those in the moments.
Don’t think before you do
If I could go back I would find that video
And save it.
I saw 13 people had seen it.
And made it my Sunday mission to get in touch with all of them.
We were telling the entire family
That day
And I knew my mom (Laura) would freak as is
Didn’t need a cousins cousins brothers wife calling my mom asking her about it.
1 year ago
We sat on the couch talking about how much our lives were going to change.
We had done scavenger hunt earlier in the day
Then we did the photo shoot.
Dani I went to Walgreens and picked up the photos.
And we were giddy.
Another baby girl in our family.
The secret Michael and I had kept
for 8 weeks
Was finally out.
To the kids that is.
And tomorrow would be the day we told the rest of the family.
We had a lot of
Joy + hope
&& Love
In our hearts.
I made it another day. Through another day of memories.
And I thought why not share.
These pictures were the most adorable pictures ever.
You guys please go take Jordan Burch Photography momtog class.
If it wasn’t for her + the class
I wouldn’t have these amazing photos
To show just how happy (well except for Duke)
We all were.
We didn’t know 8 weeks later that happiness would be gone.
So let’s celebrate the happy times.
I know her people in Heaven are with her.
She’s getting more love than what she knows what to do with.