After Decor Steals (click here for some amazing home decor products) shared the picture below on their Instagram feed I got a lot of questions about the garland. So here goes!!!

A long time ago…no just kidding……. last month. I had to get ready for Christmas super early so I could have sinus surgery in early November and then relax.
So I decorated this mantle first.
After a week or so (after surgery) I decided I really didn’t LOVE it.
So I redid it.
The hot topic…the Garland.
Is really made up of 4 different types of greenery. And sort of a DIY project.
First thing first – once you get to know me you know that I like to use things over and over. So originally when I bought the first strand of garland I did it with intentions of using it again in the spring. MULTIPURPOSE is a term used a lot over here.
Hobby Lobby only had 2 strands of the garland that I wanted (I needed 3). I got a rain check on the other and waited and waited… well only about a day. So I decided to come up with a new plan. And that is how I got this garland.
There are 4 types of greenery used.
3 types of garland found year round at Hobby Lobby
1 type of greenery in the Christmas Floral section. I purchased it last year and they had it again this year.
Type 1: Green Draping Jasmine Leaf Garland (I used 2 strands)
Type 2: 6′ Frosted Eucalyptus Garland (I used 2 strands)
Type 3: 6′ Green Smilax Leaf Garland (I used 2 strands)
Type 4: Christmas Greenery Bush (TBD -I’m headed to HL to get the name)
Type 1)I started out with the main strand and draped it over the top of the mantel so it would hang.
Then I took the other stand I had and cut it in half. And attached it with a 3m Command hook (like these) to the left and right side. It touched the floor.
Type 2&3
I took Type 2 and pulled all the pieces off. Type 3 had empty pieces of stem on it so I put the Type 2 pieces I pulled on to those stems. This allowed them to mix and look more intertwined then just hanging 2 piecesof garland. See pic below.
Type 4)
I took off bunches of 2-3 strands and then stuck it all along the sides to make it look fuller and more like Christmas garland.
I then took a few pieces of each Type 2,3,4 and put through the top. I wanted it thinner in the middle and to get fuller as it went to the sides.
A tip I’ve mentioned is to take pictures.
I would stand back take pictures and see what area needed more or less greenery.
For some reason you see things differently if you look at a picture of what you are decorating.
It took me about an hour to get it right. But was so worth it. Every time I walk by I get joy and that’s what decor should be about JOY!! If you have any questions leave below or shoot me an email or message on Instagram!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
I’ve included some more shots.