Happy Galentine’s Day!

If you are like me or maybe not, you have never heard of Galentine’s day until recently. I was watching Free Reign on Netflix with my daughter last weekend and they had a special Galentine’s day special [HERE]. At first I thought I heard it wrong. They were in a different country so it may be a pronunciation issue, right?
Nope. They were saying Galentine’s day. (I may or may not have had to turn on close captioning to make sure).
What is Galentine’s Day?
After confirming it – I pulled out my phone and went to Google. Galentine’s Day as described by Wikipedia: “Galentine’s Day” has transcended the television screen and become established in everyday culture. On February 13, Galentine’s Day, a nonofficial holiday, is celebrated as a day for “ladies celebrating ladies.”
I’m sorry, but why didn’t I think about this? And why has Galentine’s day only been around since 2010? I think Valentine’s day is great and all, but honestly why aren’t we showing love to our significant others 365 days a year.
Showing love and appreciation to our ladies one day a year is an awesome thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriends and my sister, but I really don’t show them that I appreciate them. Not enough anyway. I think small appreciation gifts [HERE] is something I can get better about doing in the future. So act surprised if you get one.
So to you ladies. You know who you are. Thanks for being my ride or die. The ones to listen to my sometimes-crazy life matters. I’m blessed with my closest friends. Some near and a few so far away. I can’t say it enough Happy Galentine’s Day.
A letter to my 17-year-old self:
Pick your friends and keep them close. If you do it right the first time around, they will be around for a lifetime. They will see you through marriage and through babies. They will be the ones that fly in at a days’ notice when they found out that your pregnancy came to an end and you will have to plan your daughter’s funeral service. Your girlfriends will be the ones that go with you on a girl’s night out to the Melting pot. You will be able to call them or text them anytime night or day when you think of random things. Your children will be friends with their children. And if you are really blessed you will choose girls that will become women that you will think of as sisters.
Some of these friends may or may not be your friends now. Some may come with time. Friends will change with the seasons. As guys come and go you probably will lose and gain some friends.
That saying that girls come before guys. Is mostly true. Just remember that. And remember when you find the love of your life (Hey boy Hey… Mr. Tribe of Burton) your true girlfriends will make sure you know it. Because they just may know who is perfect for you before you do.
You may fight with them. You make like the same boys as them. Eventually your parenting styles will be different. But if you remember deep down to the core of it that you are friends you will get over those little arguments. I still have 10+ page letters from a certain ride or die about me being ridiculous in high school. And I was. We all went through a phase. But guess what we got through those phases.
Get over yourself
My thoughts are get over yourself. You aren’t as great as you think you are. Neither are your friends. We all have faults. The fight this week may be because of your stupidity or may be because of their stupidity. Get over it and move on. Because the quicker you get over it the quicker you can go on making new memories.
Be able to laugh at yourself. I’m sure that embarrassing moment that happened, no one will remember it but you when you are 37. Talk to your friends about it. They will help you get over those embarrassing moments. And eventually you will be able to laugh about it.
Find girls that will build you up. If a girl EVER puts you down, then they aren’t your friend. Unless they are giving their honest opinion about a horrible outfit that you decided to wear (also known as the red, white and blue plaid Guess bell bottoms with the white platforms… what was I thinking). In life in general, if someone puts you down, they have low self- esteem and are unaware of themselves. All they are doing is making themself look bad. True girlfriends speak positives about you.
Don’t believe you can’t be friends with more than one person, please don’t ever believe that. And don’t believe that if you start being friends with someone that you have to stop being friends with someone else. Yes they may not get along and they don’t have to but that doesn’t mean you have to quit being friends with them.
Find friends who will listen. But also remember to Listen.
Most importantly you may have friends that come and go. Some may go and then come back later. Some may stay the entire time. Regardless be there for them no matter what.
A much wiser 37 year old
Happy Galentine’s Day
So Happy Galentine’s Day to my Ride or Die Girls.
Thank you for letting me be me.
Love you all!
P.S. Be sure to tell your girlfriends Happy Galentine’s Day! Maybe even print them a card [HERE] and give it to them. I’m sure it would make them smile.