How to Organize Your Home. Your way.

A lot of the times I start a project I spend a lot of the time wondering where do I start. So I’m hoping this 4 week course (yes, it is 4 weeks) will show you How to organize your home and have fun with it. If not have fun – make progress and be happy about it.

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Find your Five

Once upon a time, I couldn’t keep up. I wanted everything perfect as much as possible. I had a cleaning binder and had a schedule and routine (and if you like that we will get to that eventually, but not this week). What I did find after many years on Pinterest and Mom boards was you needed to get dressed each day, or another one (which I do love) was to shine your thing in your kitchen. ALL had great methods and they worked for me at the time but they aren’t realistic (for me) on a daily basis . I am here to show you How to Organize Your Home over the next 4 week period….and be happy with it.

How to Find your Five

You may be asking what Find your Five is. Right? I know my husband did. I want you to take a second or a minute (but come back to me okay!) and think about what areas in YOUR house makes YOU feel good when they are cleaned. I’ve met some along the way that has to have a clean sink, made bed, or even a cleaned front porch. Whatever it may be IT needs to make you happy.

Here are my five:

  • clean kitchen COUNTER
  • side bed tables in the master cleaned off
  • made bed – or partially made bed
  • clean master bedroom
  • a spotless den

These 5 areas make me happy when they are cleaned or straightened. I don’t care if there are dishes in the sink. And I guarantee you if I wake up to a master bedroom that is neat I am more likely to pick up along the way. I also know that if I head into the kitchen and the counters are spotless I’m more likely to wash the dishes really quick or throw them in the dishwasher.

Want to see a before and after of my kitchen counter? The one that I LOVE to see straightened? The one that looks so perfect on Instagram? Ya’ll That is a LIE. That isn’t my house. I mean it is my house, but it doesn’t look like that all the time. Check out these pictures below.

Messy house
Top photo is my house. Normally. Mom of 4 and all. The Second picture is me trying. Look at this next picture. It’s magazine worthy.
Organizing your home
This is a different angle but you get the idea. Wouldn’t you love to have a clean kitchen counter? Me too! HAHA

Here are a few items that I use around the house to hide clutter. I use these items to put things out of sight. Click here to see what we have hidden all around our house.

Hide it or Get rid of it

Do you know that feeling when you walk into a hotel room and its clean and there is no clutter? I love when my bedroom looks like a hotel room, for instance. So I say Hide it or get Rid of it! For example, if you don’t need an item then find someone who does. Or find a local charity. We have My Father’s Arrows, here in Northwest Florida, that has a thrift store. If YOU’RE a foster mom or dad and need anything for your foster child they will GIVE it to you (with proper documentation). What better organization is that?

Find Your Five To Do List

  • Day 1: Find five areas in your house that make you happy when they are clean. ONLY five this week. Then go to one of the areas and work on it for 30 minutes. That’s it. I want you to straighten it up. I always have 3 bags or boxes with me when I straighten up. The first bag is throw away. The second bag is giveaway. The third bag is move to another room. Work fast. Get it done. Turn some music on – and get your kids to help if they can. If you don’t have any that’s okay too! I do this a lot on my own. I want you to report back and let me know how much you got rid of!
  • Day 2: Go to the 2nd area that makes you happy and spend 30 minutes straightening it up.
  • Day 3: Go to the 3rd area that makes you happy and spend 30 minutes straightening it up.
  • Day 4: Go to the 4th area that makes you happy and spend 30 minutes straightening it up.
  • Day 5: Go to your fifth and final area that makes you happy and spend 30 minutes straightening it up.
  • Day 6: Today doesn’t require much work at all. Just stop and think about each area and how it makes you happy. It’s now YOUR goal and YOUR families goal to keep those 5 areas straightened.

This week is super easy. Don’t worry. If you don’t have 30 minutes at one time split it up. A lot of the times I will do 10 minutes – 3 times a day. I love breaking things up into smaller goals. I also like to PURGE. Yes I have junk drawers. Yes I hide things. And that is okay with me. If it looks good then guess what?? I feel good! How about you?

Please comment below or message me and let me know what your Five is! I really am curious. Maybe there are other areas in my house that would make me happier if they were clean. And let me know what you think about week one of How to Organize your House.

If you would like to take a look at what my house looks like organized and all put together click here.

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