I’m hoping over the next 6 months or so you will join me as I get fit. I am going to try to document every week the progress I have made whether it be good or bad. I am going to get fit and when I do, I would love to read how the journey progressed. Here is to week 3 of getting fit – take a look at how I am getting active and how you can start exercising right now.

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Finding your word

Last week I talked about mindset. If you haven’t read my week 1 blog post then you need to check it out [HERE] then see Week 2, then come back and read this one.

It’s hard changing your mindset. I still think about those times when people were negative. I used to focus on it then tell my husband about it then more than likely go eat something to make me feel better. Really, it’s been a cycle. This is what I do now.

Instead of getting sad or frustrated – now I have a word that pops into my head. It makes me at peace with it. I encourage you to get a word like that. I call it my “safe” word. Something that brings me joy and comfort and helps me focus off the negativity and flip it back to happiness.

I’m not going to tell you my word unless you personally ask for it – then I will tell you. But choose something like your dog’s name.

I will give you an example. Say you have a dog named Lucy. Lucy brings you joy and happiness, right? Here comes along some idiot – yes they are an idiot -and tells you “Hey You! How are you? I think if you started eating more vegetables you would feel better and lose weight” Little does Idiot know – you are already doing that. And instead of taking your frustration out on that person – Smile and say the word LUCY in your head. What does Lucy do? She brings you joy and happiness – something that this person isn’t doing right now.

Now that same person may be someone you truly love or like. AND if you feel comfortable telling them what you’re doing and how you feel and how what they are telling you makes you feel – then do it. If it’s someone that you don’t see that often – it’s probably just best to vent to your best friend or significant other. Or just think about Lucy and FORGET about what they said all together.

I hope you can find a word like that. Once you do think about it often

Girl in purple shirt sweating after working out
I should have went walking/jogging in the morning but I didn’t – It was so hot when I finally went you can see how bad I sweated.

REASONS to start Exercising now

Last week I talked about reason’s we weren’t active. Or reasons I wasn’t active. I want you to make a list on WHY you should get active.

It could be for medical reasons or for something else. Some people I’ve met have some reasons I’ve never even thought about before. I want to go into detail about my reasons. And what I think about when I don’t want to get up and get going.

My Reasons:

  • Health – If you are my physician (hey you hey) reading this – you have probably told me something along the lines of “Hey Kirsten, based on your AMAZING blood pressure and your AMAZING blood results, you are great. EXCEPT for that little number on the scale” — Y’all I’ve been told so many times by doctors that if they hadn’t seen my number on the scale they were expecting to walk into the room and see someone else sitting there. Eventually that number on the scale will catch up to those other health related issues that’s why I choose to start exercising now.
  • Children- If you haven’t had them or you do – then it’s important for you to be around as long as you can. And being active helps that. It’s also great to be able to be active with them. And not huff or puff every time you go do something with them.
  • Community – You probably are thinking what does that even have to do with anything – well I will tell you – the active community – well they are like family and it’s pretty awesome to have likeminded friends.
  • Disney World – HAHA – Y’all if you’ve been to Disney world, you know you’re going to walk until your feet fall off – I want to be able to LOVE it and not hate my feet after a day or week there.
  • Vanity – Yep I said it. I’m not a vain person. (Definition of Vain – having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.) And I don’t intend to be Vain. But I do want to go into a store and see a cute outfit and be able to buy it if I want. So, would you call that something else other than Vain?
  • Sweat- My mom, brother and I sweat a lot. Always have. I’m hoping being active will help with the sweating factor. If anyone else has any suggestions on this – I’m listening.
Girl and Guy sweating after working out. He made me start exercising that day and we got it done.
Anniversary Walk/Jog – we did it even though it was raining.


  • Workout 3 times a week (just go start exercising right now)
  • Drink 4 liters of Water a day
  • Take Plexus Products
  • Eat healthier and keep a food log. Here is the food log my sister got me [HERE]
  • More active with the kids – I noticed the kids would join us exercising every time we go if they were awake.


  • I am kind of meshing the Disney training program [HERE] and C25k program together. I ended up liking the Interval Timer my cousin recommended the best so I will keep using that for now. Same thing happened – I wanted to quit- but kept going because of the David Goggins Book. [HERE]
  • Drank 3.5-4 liters of water every day (even the weekend – that’s when I slack). I use a water bottle that keeps my water cold [HERE]
  • Took Plexus Products everyday [HERE]
  • Took measurements
  • Weighed Daily
  • Played with the kids in the front yard and practiced volleyball with my oldest daughter
  • Continued Step Bet to make sure I am getting my steps in daily
  • Took a day and a half off without logging food because it was my anniversary! You can read my sappy post if you want.
  • Most important one for the week – I worked out with my husband on our anniversary. We’ve never done that in 19 years of marriage. We were being lazy and he said “let’s go and get it done” so we did. Here is to us getting fit together.
Guy and Girl at the beach on their anniversary
Day at the beach watching the waves before Tropical Storm came in.


Other than taking Monday off for the Melting Pot and taking a beach day Tuesday I was sure to drink 4 liters of water every day and took my Plexus products. The scale went up a little because of eating out but that’s okay – We all need to enjoy life – AND I’m happy with my results this week.

  • 1.4 pounds lost – 7.1lbs total loss
  • .50″ off waist – 1.25″ total loss
  • .50″ off chest – 1″ total loss
  • .25″ off hips – .75″ total loss
  • Weekly (M-S) Miles logged (active and nonactive) – 56945 steps or 27.3 miles
  • Apple Watch Data (M-S) – 24 exercise minutes average per day


This week I plan to add weights into my routine! Do you lift weights when you work out?

What do you plan to do in week 4? Want to join me? I have a Facebook group set up (not a lot of people in the group yet) come stay motivated with us. Find me on Instagram or Facebook and message me and I will get you added.

The First STEP is what counts. To start exercising now -Leave this page up and go right now and walk 100 steps. Count it out- that 100 steps will turn into many many more.

Get Fit Gear

I’ve had a few reach out to ask what I use or recommend. So, I am going to list that here and will add to it each week if I add something new.

  • Apple Watch – I compete with friends and helps me stay motivated – it’s fun.
  • Apple Airpods – I use my daughters – but I use one and my husband does for our walk/jogs – we are doing same training but allows us to go at different paces.
  • Reebok shoes – I need new ones – so I would love a recommendation. I have a narrow foot and arch – I got fitted once for great shoes – they ended up causing pain. Cheap ones have worked better. The ones I use now I’ve had for a few years they were $35 🙂
  • Running Buddy – I was going to get an arm band but Found this and love it. It holds my phone and goes right on my waist.
  • Body Glide – For chafing, a lot of triathletes use it.


If you are like ME then you may need some accountability on your journey. I have a Facebook group I started just for this reason, message me [HERE] or [HERE] and I will add you. Join it and come say hi so we can hold each other accountable.

If you want to see more from the blog go take a look at Intermittent Fasting [HERE] Then let me know if you have ever tried IT.

Week 3 Getting Fit Pinterest - 7 pounds gone
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