I’m hoping over the next 6 months or so you will join me as I get fit. I am going to try to document every week the progress I have made whether it be good or bad. I am going to get fit and when I do, I would love to read how the journey progressed. Here is to week 4 of getting fit – take a look at how I find time for exercise and how you can start exercising right now.
As always check with a healthcare professional before beginning any type of physical activity or change in your diet.

There may be affiliate links in this post. Please read my policy on affiliate links (here) if you want.
Last week recap
Last week I talked about finding a word. If you haven’t read my week 1 blog post then you need to check it out [HERE] then read the other weeks then come back and read this one.
It’s sometimes hard to let go of the bad so I hope if you found a word then you have something now to make you happy when something bothers you or when others aren’t really inspiring you.

find time to exercise
Last week we talked about the reasons why you needed to start exercising. This week I want to talk about the way to find time to exercise.
I’m busy. I have 4 kids and a few projects (job and volunteering) that pulls me in all sorts of directions. I have to find time to exercise or it doesn’t get in.
Over the years I’ve read so many ways to find time to exercise. Make an appointment with yourself, wake up earlier, fit it in when you can by taking the stairs or parking further away, etc.
Department of Health and Human services recommends 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. With 150 minutes being moderate activity. We all have 10,080 minutes in each week. 75 minutes a week is less than .01% of your time each week.
If you were to get 15 minutes of vigorous activity 5 days a week then you would fit into this recommendation. Y’all we all have 15 minutes a day.
5 ways to help gain time
First, I recommend each week look at your calendar and figure out when you can schedule your 75-150 minutes of activity. Schedule it in when you can. For me that means I’m going to exercise different times of the day each day.
Second, this step kind of goes along with the first one. Look at your daily schedule and routine – where are you spending a lot of time that you could cut back on? Sometimes it’s helpful to write down everything you are doing in a day and see where you are wasting time.
Third, after you figure out your time, then lay out your clothes or pack your clothes to workout. I find this helpful if I don’t have to search for my clothes for 5 minutes when I’m ready to work out now.
Fourth, Limit your time on your apps on your phone. Each smart phone now allows you to monitor your time spent on certain apps. If I’m on Facebook more than an hour each day I have to manually override my phone to get back on. It makes me more aware. By me not spending all day on my phone then I free up a lot of time quickly.
Fifth, Make it fun – it’s a lot easier to find time to exercise when it’s something you enjoy.
- Interval training app kept me on target for my walking and jogging this week. When I wanted to get sick or I wanted to quit- I kept going because of the David Goggins Book. [HERE]
- Drank 3.5-4 liters of water every day (except for on Sunday) I use a water bottle that keeps my water cold [HERE]
- Took Plexus Products everyday [HERE]
- Took measurements
- Weighed Daily
- Took all the back porch furniture off and cleaned it and cleaned the plastic doll house (post coming soon about it)
- Continued Step Bet to make sure I am getting my steps in daily.
- I stood in the kitchen for around 2 hours and I never got tired or had to sit down to take a break. Normally I have to sit down for a second to catch my breath.
- Huge Win for the week – I was mad at something and frustrated with someone and something – that evening I didn’t care what I ate or if I exercised. For the first time in 4 weeks I didn’t care. When I woke up the next morning – I realized I wanted to eat all the bad foods to make me “happy” to substitute for the sadness and aggravation I was feeling. This realization was a HUGE WIN FOR ME. I’m hoping by realizing this that in the future I can find other ways to make me happy vs turning to food for comfort.
- Worked out one evening with my sister and my friend before we cooked a healthy meal and worked our Plexus business (see pic below)

This week I had some stomach issues (I have Crohn’s Disease) I think it made for a slow start to the week. I drank 4 liters of water every day except on Sunday and took my Plexus products. We all need to enjoy life – if we make this change hard and not fun, we will never stick to it – AND I’m happy with my results this week. 10+ pounds gone for the last 4 weeks and close to 4 inches gone. I noticed in the mirror this week the puffiness in my face seems to be doing down.
- 3.5 pounds lost – 10.5 lbs total loss
- .25″ off waist – 1.50″ total loss
- .25″ off chest – 1.25″ total loss
- .25″ off hips – 1.00″ total loss
- Weekly (M-S) Miles logged (active and nonactive) – 58,646 steps or 27.3 miles
- Apple Watch Data (M-S) – 15 exercise minutes average per day (I had more steps this week but less exercise minutes)
- C25k: I’m walking for 90 seconds then jogging for 30 seconds – I got my split down to 18:34/mi. My goal is to get it down to 12 minutes.

I plan to do 3 days of Couch to 5k training and do some weight workouts. Weights make me so sore – and that’s a good thing! I will continue to drink 4 liters of water a day and keep walking and improving my time.
What do you plan to do in week 5? Want to join me? I have a Facebook group set up (not a lot of people in the group yet) come stay motivated with us. Find me on Instagram or Facebook and message me and I will get you added.
The First STEP is what counts. To start exercising now -Leave this page up and go right now and walk 100 steps. Count it out- that 100 steps will turn into many many more.
I’ve had a few reach out to ask what I use or recommend. So, I am going to list that here and will add to it each week if I add something new.
- Apple Watch – I compete with friends and helps me stay motivated – it’s fun.
- Apple Airpods – I use my daughters – but I use one and my husband does for our walk/jogs – we are doing same training but allows us to go at different paces.
- Reebok shoes – I need new ones – so I would love a recommendation. I have a narrow foot and arch – I got fitted once for great shoes – they ended up causing pain. Cheap ones have worked better. The ones I use now I’ve had for a few years they were $35 🙂
- Running Buddy – I was going to get an arm band but Found this and love it. It holds my phone and goes right on my waist.
- Body Glide – For chafing, a lot of triathletes use it.
If you are like ME then you may need some accountability on your journey. I have a Facebook group I started just for this reason, message me [HERE] or [HERE] and I will add you. Join it and come say hi so we can hold each other accountable.
If you want to see more from the blog go take a look at Intermittent Fasting [HERE] Then let me know if you have ever tried IT.
Check out my Word of The Year for 2021.