This blog post was written when I was in the hospital waiting to deliver my baby. You can read that story [HERE]. I think the pictures in that post were day 14 hair. I got asked so many times how to increase days between washing my hair when I was in the hospital I decided to write this post.
How do I go so long without washing my hair? That is the question I get every time I tell someone I shower daily yet only wash my hair once every 7-14 days.
So what do you think? How do I go so long without washing my hair?
Since I’m in the hospital for an unknown amount of time I figured I would take the time to answer.
Here are some pictures that were taken before I had the baby and after. Each picture is labeled how many days since the last time my hair was washed.

The Answer
It’s because I can. Or in other words, I’ve trained my hair to do this. If you know me, you know I’m very low maintenance. And the less I can blow dry and style my hair the better. It takes about an hour to do it. That does not include wash time.
My hair does not really get oily anymore. And the curl can stay just as long (however it’s not like day 1 curls).
Currently every nurse that comes in and finds out i haven’t washed my hair during my daily shower has asked how as well.
I wasn’t always low maintenance. I think it came after I got my 7th grade picture back (way back before we had cell phones and selfies).
The Story Part 1
I remember that day as clear as anything. I set an alarm that day. It probably took a while since my parents normally woke me up. Once I got out of bed, I showered and started getting ready. A good 90 minutes were spent on blow drying and straightening and crimp curling. I thought I looked good. And definitely had to be better than the 6th grade “is that a boy or girl” picture.
Got to school. Brand new outfit and all. Practice smiling. Read in a YM Magazine (don’t know what this is?…then you prob are really a baby) that if you sat up straight and looked down then up when they took your picture, you would in fact look like a super model.
Looking back, I probably looked like I had something wrong with me. With my eyes looking down then popping my head up.
The day came and we had been told we would be getting back our pictures. And you know my mom ordered the biggest set. Everyone got a school picture.
Anyone ever wonder why they put school photos in those big folders with a clear window. Like anyone needs to be picked on more than they already are. I know I didn’t need to be picked on anymore. Sure enough I was only a few desks back from the teacher and saw them starting to get passed out. My excitement was building.
Expectations Were High
I got my envelope and flipped it over, I just knew I was going to hand these out proudly this year. Grandma could proudly display them on her wall of pictures (if I would have only known she would eventually put my 8×10 up of me on the swim team coming out of the water with dry hair) then I probably would have let her keep this one up.
It was evident I wasted 90 minutes on doing my hair. I didn’t wear makeup so the only thing that was left to improve upon was my hair. It looked horrible. My hair. It was a big poof ball. That’s pretty much when I knew whatever I did wouldn’t really work to make it pretty.
The Story Part 2
Eventually (10-15 years) I finally learned how to do my hair. However, it would only look good for a day. It was still taking me 90 minutes to wash, dry, and style. To me the investment wasn’t worth the end result. Unless it was for Date night. You’re welcome honey. At least one day every few weeks I didn’t look like I was homeless.
That’s when I was reading some magazine. I’m not sure which one. And I saw an article about using baby powder in your hair to absorb the oil. This was the answer I was looking for. However, it was messy and made my hair feel gross.
It did help. And I eventually used this on Day 2 and then would wear my hair up. Over time I started to notice I could wear my hair down for 2 days and it wouldn’t look bad. That’s when I decided to keep increasing the days between washing my hair. On average I would go 4 days or so without washing my hair. And I always washed my hair on days I got sweaty.
How to Increase Days Between Washing your hair
First, I would see how long you can go without your hair being oily. That is how you get your goal for starting. If you can only go one day without it getting oily, then your goal would be going two days. Add one day to what you can go now and that is your first goal.
Second, shampoo your hair good at the roots and only condition from your ears down. And see how many days you can go then.
Third, don’t touch your roots. That’s where oil starts to collect. Your hands carry oils every time you touch your hair you are putting more oils on it.
Fourth, slow down on the products. Yes, you need products, but sometimes they cause your hair to be oily. Find ones that your hair stylist recommends. I always use a heat protectant and sometimes leave in conditioner on my ends. I also like using salt spray [HERE] when I get out of the shower.
Fifth, find a dry shampoo that works for you. I like this one [HERE] and this one [HERE]. I do not put it in my hair on day one. I’ve always waited until day 3 or 4. A friend gave me a tip 2 years ago. Put dry shampoo in your hair at bed time. Brush your hair and your scalp to get it to your roots and then go to bed. It has been a game changer.
Sixth, when your hair starts to get oily, try a half up/ half down look. Then the next day messy bun. And finally the day before you wash, wear a ball cap or hat. The more and more you increase days between washing your hair, the longer you can. Sometimes I will wash the night before and dry and then the next day wake up and curl.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does you hair stink? Nope, the dry shampoo really makes it smell good. I’ve never once had anyone complain about my hair smelling. And trust me. I’ve asked people to smell it just to be sure.
Does it look bad when it’s oily? Yep, That’s why a messy bun works or even a ball cap. Remember a messy bun and cap will help you increase days between washing your hair.
Does it itch? Sometimes. I haven’t figured out why sometimes more than others. My thoughts are when I sweat it itches. I read that tea tree oil helps with itching so sometimes I may put a drop or two on my fingertips and rub in. Always make sure you can tolerate essential oils.
If you want better hair and want to increase your days between washing, then try the tips up above. And as always I love hearing feedback or any extra tips you may have.
Have a great day.