Got a new car Monday.
Was NOT my intention at all.
Literally if you know me.
You know it probably was.
But for the first time in my life.
And after the 20 cars I have had.
(I really don’t know if I have had that many – but early on – I liked cars so it was an easy thing for me to upgrade. What my young brain didn’t tell me was that it was a bad investment choice. I highly recommend following the Dave Ramsey Plan [HERE] – Have you done his plan before? Okay sorry for the side note)
This car was it.
I was in love.
Fast forward
I receive a text from Mike while I’m at the dealership
“Hey what specials are they running on the cars”
He gots jokes.
He must.
I’m the careless car one.
Not him.
Nope he had no Jokes.
We actually had equity in our car.
Got a new one.
Lower payments.
Lower a lot of stuff.
Great warranty.
But here is what’s funny.
This car has so many crazy gadgets.
Things that we don’t even know how they work.
We laugh
When we get notified.
Clearly we are old now
And have no clue how these things work.
Tonight I got this notification

I laughed.
And told Mike he was caught driving too fast.
Me: this is going to be great when kids can drive.
Mike: dani wants a white jeep
Me: I’ll just give her some chalk paint and she can paint the Lexus white
Mike: ?
Me: ??????? Wait…. you can’t paint a car with chalk paint??? I’m a Diy I paint everything with Chalk paint.
Another daily struggle in our family.
What was the oddest thing you chalked painted before??
P.S. Christmas Decor is coming!

Update: Honestly You guys – I’m sorry this was a boring story about getting older and then getting new cars. I promise one day I will be able to write deep into the evening and pour my soul out for everyone to read. Until then – You are stuck with quirky. 🙂
If you want to read funny about DIY lash kit at home. Well here you go.