Morning Routine With Kids
Let’s be honest. Probably before you had kids your morning routine was a little crazy. But when you add kids into the mix, your morning routine can get a little out of hand.
My husband is normally the one to handle all the things in the morning. I’m a night person, he is not. So this works in our household. During January, he had to leave for a conference for a few nights so that meant I had the kids by myself for 3 mornings. I knew how crazy it gets in the morning and I knew I needed to make a list so I wouldn’t forget things.
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Make a List
So I made a list (Hey! I’m a list maker). My 10 year old daughter saw me and asked what I was doing and I told her. She looked over my list, added a few things I forgot and told me I was smart. She helped that morning and by the time we were leaving to get in the car my son (he’s 9) asked what we were doing.
On the way to school she told him. He decided he wanted to help the next morning. As I listened from the front of the car, she told him that it was nice not being rushed around in the morning (I even let them sleep an extra 30 minutes). That instead of not knowing what was left to actually pack and get ready she had a list she could go by. I think list maker runs in her genes.
Morning Routine Starts at Night
I’m a firm believer in doing what you can at night to get ready for the next day. My husband is not (remember I mentioned he is NOT a night person).
We got everything ready that we could at night. The big kids got their clothes laid out for the next two mornings. These hanging cubes [HERE] are amazing at keeping their clothes ready for the entire week. Then they got their backpacks ready and hung by our garage door. Using hooks like these come in handy [HERE]. I got the little kids clothes and backpacks ready.
By getting everything that we could ready at night it allowed us to also sleep in an extra 30 minutes. And who doesn’t like that?
Return to Normal
By the time my husband returned, our mornings were a little less stressful AND my daughter insisted I make a list they could use each day. So I did!
I realized other moms could probably use a list too.
Especially after last week, my sister (single mom to two) learned that she had left one of her son’s valentines at home (I told her she could print these [HERE]) and the other one’s jacket. In the rush out the door, I told her she needed a checklist for the mornings. She agreed.
It’s hard to get ourselves ready in the morning. So a good morning routine with the kids is just what we all need to make it run a little more smoothly.
I’ve attached a blank morning routine list to download [HERE].

Below you can even see ours typed out. If you would like to download the one we use for our morning routine you can [HERE].

We use the Notes section for things that aren’t necessarily daily items, but things that are ongoing during the week. That may be the odd dentist appointment here or there or even practices for different things that week.
I would love to hear how you make your morning routine with kids go smoother. Leave a comment below!
One of our favorites is by getting a good amount of sleep the night before. Check out the sheets we love in our house. + Also look at one of my older blog post [HERE].
Also make those mornings run smoother when dinner is prepped – this is a great side dish to have ready to go [HERE]